

Cyan Veil

Cyan Veil

庞雄、孙麓淇 、樊静雯
庞雄、孙麓淇 、樊静雯
Xiong Pang, Luqi Sun, Jingwen Fan
Cyan Veil

引入眼帘的“青纱”是一件源于青花瓷的虚拟首饰。取自 700 年前的瓷器的青色呼唤着观者,让青花瓷的纹样游动于空中,如柳絮,等待一抔黄土,落地发芽。虚拟面纱掩修着佩戴者的容颜。将瓷器转换成薄纱,是沉重与轻薄、玩赏与佩戴、古代与现代的三重并置。

The virtual jewellery Cyan Veil was inspired by blue and white porcelain. The blue colour of porcelain from 700 years ago catches everyone's eye. Porcelain patterns are floating in the air, like catkins, waiting for the earth to sprout. This virtual piece covers the face of the wearer. Transforming the porcelain to the fabric conveys the meaning of heaviness and lightness, appreciation and wearing, ancient and modern.

Cyan VeilCyan VeilCyan VeilCyan Veil
Cyan Veil


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Xiong Pang

庞雄 Xiong Pang


After graduating from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Jewellery Design, Xiong Pang is committed to combining modern technology with traditional craftsmanship. By exploring and demonstrating all aspects of contemporary jewellery, he hopes to make people aware of the emotional value of the jewellery. 

Luqi Sun

孙麓淇 Luqi Sun

2021 年本科毕业于中央美术学院首饰设计方向,同年保送时装与服饰设计研究方向,目前研究生二年级在读中。

Luqi Sun finished her Bachelor's in Jewellery Design at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2021. With the recommendation of admission, she started a Master's in Fashion Design in the same year. She is currently in her second year of postgraduate study.

Jingwen Fan

樊静雯 Jingwen Fan


Jingwen Fan finished her Bachelor's in Jewellery Design at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, School of Design. She stayed in her programme for a Master's and is now in her first year.

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